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Home / Lectures.Contemporary / Female Circumcision (FGM) in Islam

FGM in Islam (Female Circumcision)?

Topic: Contemporary

Duration/Lessons: +25mins / 1 lesson

Course Text: n/a

About: Islam has been accused of complicity with the monstrosity of female genital mutilation (FGM): nothing could be further from the truth, but as this brilliant talk shows, it is the unbelievably barbaric pronouncements of certain 'Muslim scholars' which are feeding the misunderstanding and Islamophobia. A must watch, especially for female adherents of the Salafi movement and Ibn Taymiyyah, as popularised in the UK by iERA and Hamza Tzortzis.

Lectures.Female Circumcision in Islam

Female Circumcision In Islam

Female Circumcision In Islam
Female Circumcision In Islam

Female Circumcision In Islam

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