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Home / Lectures.Contemporary / Good and Affective Parenting

Good and Effective Parenting 

Topic: Contemporary

Duration/Lessons: +2hrs / 3 lessons

Course Text: n/a

About: Shaykh has given many lectures on the topic of "Parenting" and the issues related to it. What is good parenting? How do we bring up healthy children that are strong physically, mentally and spiritually?

We have grouped many of the lectures that Shaykh Atabek has done on parenting in different locations and contexts, some of these are seminars and short courses whilst others are Friday sermons in which Shaykh has addressed this topic. One can access all these lectures in one location now. 

Lectures.Good Parenting

Good Parenting pt1 - Shaykh Atabek

Good Parenting pt1 - Shaykh Atabek
Good Parenting pt1 - Shaykh Atabek

Good Parenting pt1 - Shaykh Atabek

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Good Parenting pt2 - Shaykh Atabek

Good Parenting pt2 - Shaykh Atabek

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Jumma Khutba | April 1, 2016 | Shaykh Atabek Shukurov

Jumma Khutba | April 1, 2016 | Shaykh Atabek Shukurov

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