Home / Lectures.Comparative Religion / The Crucifixion of Christ
The Crucifixion of Christ - An Islamic Biblical Perspective
Topic: Comparative Religion
Duration/Lessons: +1hr 45mins / 1 lesson
Course Text: Holy Bible
Course Teacher: Moneeb Minhas
About: Shaykh Atabek Shukurov's student Moneeb Minhas delivers a lecture to a Muslim and Non-Muslim teachers from the school he teaches in. The Lecture was a topic requested by a Christian audience on the Crucifixion of Christ - An analysis from an Islamic perspective, in light of the Holy Bible.
The lecturer tries giving an analysis of the events to occur before and after crucifixion to look at how the Muslim Scholars come to this perspective. The lecture is broken down into four parts:
1. Pre-Crucifixion
2. Crucifixion
3. Post-Crucifixion
4. Prophecy Study
Lecture Notes:
Please download the lecture powerpoint and supporting material to reap the full benefit of the lecture. The 70+ slide Powerpoint can be downloaded from the link below which the speaker goes through in the lecture. Follow the visuals on screen using the powerpoint.
Please note: the powerpoint presentation is provided for your benefit. Please download it, review it, analyse it, study it and present the lecture yourself without hesitation. The speaker has provided the presentation for the benefit of the Ummah and wants others to also deliver the lecture in their hometown to their communities. In return, please do dua (pray) for the lecturer that Allah blesses him in this life and the hereafter. Ameen. If you find any mistakes in the presentation please notify the lecturer on
Download Lecture Notes:
Please download this powerpoint presentation which is covered in the lecture.
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